
Our Care Services

HomeCare Options has taken care of your home care needs for over half a century.

Our certified home health aides, nurses, and social workers are here to help you when you need them for as long as you need them. We make it possible for elderly, frail, and ill individuals to maintain the comforts of home that they are used to. And we always treat our patients with dignity, respect, and love.

Because people’s needs differ, we offer a variety of services to assist you. These services range from certified home care aides who help patients recovering from illness or have long-term chronic problems with daily activities such as bathing and preparing meals; to respite care, which gives the family caregiver a much-needed break; to care navigation services, and much more. Many services are provided 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Some are paid all or in part by government programs. To find out more, click on one of the links above or call our intake specialist at 973-523-1224 to discuss or request a listing of services.